Belen Project in Peru: Clowning, Art as a Bridge Away from Violence
This video below provides information about poor conditions in Peru and using art and clowning as a bridge away from violence. Patch Adams created the gesundheit institute which has funded this project. Patch is promoting a campaign against child abuse… Continue reading
Traditional Family Kindness and Laughter
This is a beautiful story and emphasises the importance of families laughing together. Our childhood is a frame of reference for life. Why not make it a happy one. You don’t need money to laugh just a… Continue reading
Laugh At Life Ya Clown
To laugh at life,
Is the greatest strength,
As challenges dance around the fire of drama,
Opinions and judgements of right and wrong,
Frame each scene,
For one can deepen the plot,
Find another… Continue reading
Laughter and Comedy: Is Laughter Transcendental?
This excerpt is from my paper ‘How Effective is Laughter and Comedy in Creating an Atmosphere of Positive Peace?’
Humour Transcending Opposition
The liberating energy of laughter transcends the instinct of fight or flight. Laughter transcends opposition, attains victory over… Continue reading
Laughter and Comedy: What Makes Us Laugh?
This excerpt is from my paper ‘How Effective is Laughter and Comedy in Creating an Atmosphere of Positive Peace?’
What Makes Us Laugh
Laughter is defined as meaning ‘to manifest the spasmodic utterance, facial distortion, shaking of the sides…the… Continue reading
Laughter and Comedy: The Nature of Peace
This is an excerpt from my paper ‘How Effective is Laughter and Comedy in Creating an Atmosphere of Positive Peace?
Humour will present the happy ending and the new beginning.
How Effective is Laughter and Comedy in Creating an Atmosphere… Continue reading