A Master Fool’s Illusion
In the interests of those seeking true HAPPINESS. The book Illusion is written by Richard Bach the author of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. Ironically he hates writing…
Extract from Illusions:
It was a question I heard more than once, after Jonathan… Continue reading
Sufi Mulla Masrudin: The Wise Idiot
http://www.lightwinnipeg.org/Spiritual Writings/The Humour and Wisdom of Mulla Nasrudin.pdf
The Sufi Teaching Figure Mulla Nasrudin
o Mulla Nasrudin is a traditional Middle Eastern teaching figure who personifies the ‘wise idiot’folk-hero.
Mulla Nasrudin is the classical figure devised by the dervishes… Continue reading
April Fools Day is Walking the Prank
To be a fool to be sure to be sure. Or not to be?