Welcome to Happiness Is Our True Nature

I so love the clowns above. 

This blog is to remember the clown within us. It is to remember when times are tough to smile and laugh and look for the sunny side up.

As clowns we have resilience and an ability to see the humour in life. I am often chuckling at the news or what I see as the games out there. Everyone is playing some role or another, and it can be very amusing. I must say when we laugh as clowns we don’t laugh at people, we laugh with people. We come along side them, we are not embarrassing them. That is the style of World Peace Clowns.

The messengers of humour have been characterised by the fool, clown, trickster, joker, buffoon and jester. They operate outside the norms of society and simultaneously are near the centre of human experience. There are clowns who depict the happy/sad clown. This just means that life is up and down at times. There is a little tear drop on some who are wishing for a happier side of life to emerge. There are other white faced clowns who bring grace and skills to make others laugh. Others are mimes, I remember Charlie Chaplin here, who was a great mime. Some are comedians or who deliver serious messages with humour.

The clowns are the ones who help society to release tension and to remember all is well. They often use themselves as the joke. The court jester was the clown who would tell the truth to the King in a funny way.

Sometimes, as a society, we can become very serious about politics, the state of the world and ourselves. However, from a clowns perspective, we would say speak up by all means but do it in a way that doesn’t hurt but reveals we can laugh at our inconsequentialities and find solutions.

The art of the clown is to demonstrate unity and peace in the world, through not being serious. Discernment is good but not with the negative energy. We may have to get serious and send out the serious police, seriously. Write you a ticket, but really it will be a love letter. If we catch you frowning too much we may have to put tickets on you (ha ha). Clowning is the opposite to frowning :0)

So after that serious introduction, with lightness and frivolity I welcome you with a big HUG to this blog. To unblog the flow. The focus will be humour, happiness, laughter in all its forms. Fun making is another form of peace making that is our true nature. The early clowns were often seen as conflict resolvers as they distracted people from their problems and gave them light relief. What a relief to be en-lighten-ing. That’s where lighten up came from, not so heavy hey!

You can laugh or cry, we choose LAUGHTER. Woo hoo.


Peace and happiness to you, all ways.

Peacefull clown
World Peace Sustainability Clown

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”



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