Happiness! Australia is a Work in Progress


There is truth in the saying ‘fake it until you make it’ but there is also truth in facing what causes us to feel negative.  We have to become really present with ourselves to understand the subtle negativity that permeates our minds then consciously or unconsciously projects outward.  All war is unowned negativity projected outward.  Whether that war is a ‘hate’ on someone, or a ‘judgement’ or a ‘smear’ of someone’s character it all eminates from the mind that is unquestioned.  It is why people do unkind or violence to each other.  They are not in balance and they are not happy.

Few of us have been trained to actually start to monitor ourselves rather than others.  The challenge is to ‘own’ our negativity when it is tempting to blame or expect others to turn up as we want rather than life coming and going. 

A diary can be a great starting point to start to notice how the mind is manifesting its reality. 

In reality there are no ‘enemies’ so when they have been defined we have not understood how we have boxed and labelled situations or people in ways that direct negativity.  To be fair can be hard as we have to stand in the shoes of the other party who appears problematic.  The real work is to look into our own discord and identify the fear driving our negativity.  It is important to understand what we think about we bring about.

Happiness! Australia is a call to action happiness.  It is not about saying it is ‘all good’, sometimes it is not.  However, it is to ‘know thyself’, this is a key teaching to be learned and taught as it is the key that sets all free.  Until we deeply know ourselves we can’t change anything, we end up repeating the very things we don’t like but deny or avoid as we don’t like to feel negative.  Yet once we face ourselves, life gets easier, things get a little lighter.

Our world is defined by what we think. So that is a great place to start.

I am becoming more conscious of where I am being negative but quickly holding myself to account and questioning – is it true? I am identifying my own fears projected and that is good news, that is where real change can take place. 

As I progress with this work I am going to be not unlike the happy/sad clown icon where I will be working with both polarities – the happiness and the sadness, as both exit within the human condition.  I will be exploring both ends of the spectrum to understand how we find real balance and to look for the roots of unconsciousness that brings the dark cloud, or the sunshine, and move towards clear seeing whether it is sunshine or rain. 

Is it better to be right or happy?

Truth sets us free, eventually.

Mohandas Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”


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